We asked our CEO Dr. Alexander Grimm: “What does "Future of Work" mean to you?”
The future of work is being shaped by two powerful forces: The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace and the expansion of the workforce to include both internal and external talent to draw from the largest possible pool. In times of increasing specialisation, remote work and the growing shortage of skilled workers, employee satisfaction is becoming a matter of survival for companies. The needs of talents are increasingly becoming the focus of resource planning. This is why we at aspaara speak of talents instead of employees, and of work opportunities instead of tasks.
How do you personally or your company deal with the change in technology and value systems?
aspaara is a software that allows the creation of internal talent marketplaces. The internal talent is able to customise their schedules and career paths with an AI matchmaking engine that finds open work opportunities in a fully automated way in a very short time. In this way, we support our customers in making internal resource planning ready for the "future of work".
To what extent is the "future of work" already actively lived at aspaara, and what do you think the collaboration of the future should look like?
We make optimal use of the scarcest resource in the world: our time. As an agile international team, our talents freely choose their tasks and working hours. Therefore, our processes are designed in such a way that everyone can develop the most efficient process for themselves. Every person is talented and it is precisely these talents that we want everyone to develop to the best of their abilities.
What do you think: "What will your job look like in 25 years?"
People will become much more central in the world of work. Soft skills and emotional intelligence will become much more crucial. My job as CEO will be even more to maximise the potential of all our employees. That's what I'm standing up for, in our company aspaara and with our customers. AI helps us to do this.
Extracts of the interview are featured in UZH Oec. Magazin. (German)
Read the e-Magazine here.